Are beaches in Aruba safe?

Are beaches in Aruba safe? In Aruba, almost all beaches have no lifeguard so you need to seek advice before you swim. Swimming alone is not safe. Never swim alone. Make sure you always have enough energy to swim back to shore.

Is Aruba worth the hype?

In conclusion, Aruba is definitely worth visiting. With its stunning beaches, warm weather, friendly locals, and diverse range of activities, there is something for everyone on this beautiful island.

Do you need money to leave Aruba?

All visitors incur a passenger facility charge (departure tax). For US bound passengers departure tax is US $36.75 and for international bound passengers the PFC is US $33.50 for international flights. If in Aruba on transit for less than 24 hours, these charges are waived.

Why is it so expensive to go to Aruba?

Aruba is expensive, though you can pay in U.S. dollars or local currency. There's no way around it: Aruba is expensive. That's true for many Caribbean islands, where much of the produce, food, and other goods are imported from elsewhere and where hotel rooms come at a premium.

Do people swim in the ocean in Aruba?

Mangel Halto Beach The calm, shallow waters here make it one of the best beaches in Aruba for swimmers, snorkelers, and kayaking enthusiasts.

What beach has the clearest water in Aruba?

Arashi Beach is known as one of the best snorkeling beaches in the Caribbean due to its calm, clear waters and an abundance of underwater life to explore.

Can you wear shorts to dinner in Aruba?

Dress shorts are appropriate at most restaurants on the island as well. At our own restaurant at the beach, we describe our dress code as “casual elegance” in the evening. In casinos, casual clothes are the norm. Do keep in mind that the air-conditioning tends to be kept cold inside casinos.

What should I be careful of in Aruba?

There is violent crime in association with drugs, but this rarely affects tourists. The main tourist areas are generally safe, but you should take sensible precautions: avoid remote areas at night. don't take valuables to the beach or leave any valuables in your vehicle.

Are mosquitos a problem in Aruba?

While the mosquito population in Aruba is relatively low, it is still advisable to take precautions to protect yourself from mosquito bites.

Should I wear water shoes in Aruba?

While flip flops are great for the beach, there are lots of places in Aruba where you'll be better served by a pair of sturdy water shoes or sandals. Examples include the Natural Pool, where you can't even enter barefoot or in flimsy footwear.