Are there brown recluse spiders in Portugal?

Are there brown recluse spiders in Portugal? Yes, there are some poisonous spiders in Portugal. These include the Mediterranean Black Widow spider, the Desertas Wolf spider, and the Brown Recluse spider or Violin Spider.

Which European country has most spiders?

Italy is one of the most species-rich countries in Europe (1,702 spider species), but has only assessed 148 species (8.7%).

What country has the most poisonous spiders?

The Guinness Book of World Records considers the Brazilian wandering spider the most venomous in the world. Hundreds of bites are reported annually, but a powerful anti-venom prevents deaths in most cases.

Are there any poisonous spiders in Portugal?

I knew immediately that it was a Brown Recluse. This is the only Spider in Portugal that can be an issue for humans even the European Black Widow or False Widow are not too bad.. It's not a large spider and looks very harmless, however, it's bite which is not always felt can develop into complications.