Are there crocodiles in the ocean Cairns?

Are there crocodiles in the ocean Cairns? There are both saltwater and freshwater crocodiles in Cairns, though you won't find these ancient reptiles crawling through the city streets. Like all wild animals, they have their own preferred natural habitats, and they are quite tricky to spot in the wilderness.

What to do if you see a saltwater crocodile?

Keep a safe distance if you see a crocodile. Be aware that crocodiles often will bask with an open mouth to regulate their body temperature, and there's no cause for concern if you see this behavior. Swim only in designated swimming areas and only during daylight hours. Crocodiles are most active between dusk and dawn.

What time of year can you not swim in Cairns?

Yes you can swim in Cairns beaches, however it can be very dangerous between the months of November – May. Most locals would recommend swimming in freshwater lagoons, lakes and waterfalls to avoid crocodiles, jellyfish and other dangerous animals in the sea.

How do you avoid Crocs in Cairns?

Top tips to reduce your risk
  1. Stay at least 5m from the water's edge. ...
  2. Dispose of your food and fish scraps in a bin or take them home. ...
  3. Keep your pets on a lead and away from the water's edge. ...
  4. Avoid using small watercraft such as kayaks and paddleboards. ...
  5. Stay well away from crocodile traps.

Is it safe to snorkel the Great Barrier Reef?

Snorkeling is an extremely safe activity, especially if you take all of the correct precautions and listen to your own body whilst swimming. Below are some basic Great Barrier Reef snorkeling safety tips. Fitness. Make sure you only snorkel / swim to your fitness levels.

When can you not swim in Great Barrier Reef?

The warm water means one thing: stingers. While marine stingers are found along the Great Barrier Reef all year round, the potentially lethal jellyfish species – Box and Irukandji – enter the waters from November through May.

Where not to swim in Cairns?

The best beaches to swim at are mainly in the Northern suburbs. The beaches in the city aren't suitable for swimming due to crocodiles and it being too buddy. However, there is a lagoon to swim in if you're staying in Cairns City.

What not to do at the Great Barrier Reef?

Take care when diving and snorkelling Be aware of where your fins are and avoid touching anything with them. Don't rest or stand on coral. If you must stand up, make sure it is on sand or use rest stations. Observe animals rather than handling them directly, and avoid blocking the path of free swimming animals.