Are there fleas in the Bahamas?

Are there fleas in the Bahamas? WORST: Sand Fleas You can't see them, but they are there. They are nibbling away tasting your blood and you have no idea until your bite is itchy later. Like many places in the Bahamas, Exuma has sand fleas. At the time of our stay, we had a nice breeze coming through, which helped keep them at bay.

Do all Caribbean beaches have sand fleas?

Sand flies can not bite with no traction. Baby oil your legs and stay on beach's that are racked daily. All Caribbean islands have sand fleas!

Do sand fleas lay eggs in your skin?

Sand flea bites. Sometimes, not always, the female sand flea lays her eggs underneath the skin; the large welts will have a black dot in the center. If that happens, you should seek medical attention because the black dot indicates eggs have been laid.