Are there great white sharks in Cairns?

Are there great white sharks in Cairns? Species of Sharks on the Great Barrier Reef First let us say this, there are no Great White Sharks on the Great Barrier Reef. The water is far too warm for them. With that sorted, these are the types of sharks you might see on the Great Barrier Reef.

When not to visit the Great Barrier Reef?

The Great Barrier Reef is also prone to thunderstorms and the occasional cyclone. If you want reliably good underwater visibility, summer might not be the best time as rain and storms can cause the water to become murky. It's not all bad though.

Is it safe to swim at Cairns?

Can you swim in the ocean in Cairns? Of course you can! Your main concerns when taking a dip in the Cairns ocean are stingrays and jellyfish. That's not to say saltwater crocodiles don't pose a threat on the beaches as well, however, they tend to prefer the muddy and brackish waters of estuaries and creeks.

Is it safe to swim at Trinity Beach Cairns?

The beach is very safe for swimming and like all Aussie beaches has lifeguards on duty and, in our tropical summer from November to May, a stinger-proof enclosure for protected swimming.

What not to do at the Great Barrier Reef?

Take care when diving and snorkelling Be aware of where your fins are and avoid touching anything with them. Don't rest or stand on coral. If you must stand up, make sure it is on sand or use rest stations. Observe animals rather than handling them directly, and avoid blocking the path of free swimming animals.