Are there mosquitos in Gran Canaria in December?

Are there mosquitos in Gran Canaria in December? Are there mosquitoes in Gran Canaria? Yes – no risk of diseases. Hot sun all year round has one downside – winter is never cold enough to get rid of mosquitoes! These mosquitoes are most active in the evening.

What part of the day are mosquitoes the worst?

Most mosquito species in the U.S. increase activity from dusk to dawn, which means you're more likely to get bit if you step outside at that time. People who spend time or live near wooded areas, wetlands or shaded places with standing water, a breeding ground for mosquitoes, are at increased risk of bug bites.

Is it warm enough to sunbathe in Gran Canaria in December?

Although it's winter, you'll still be able to lounge around in your beach gear all day, as Gran Canaria has an average high temperature of 22ºC in December. Things get a bit cool in the evenings so don't forget to pack some warmer clothes.

Is Gran Canaria good in December?

Gran Canaria gets its hot weather being so close to the Sahara Desert, although winds and the cool Canary Current keep things comfortable in December. Although it's winter, you'll still be able to lounge around in your beach gear all day, as Gran Canaria has an average high temperature of 22ºC in December.

Are sharks common in Gran Canaria?

Sharks. Tenerife and Gran Canaria are one of the few remaining locations with a substantial population of angelsharks. It is quite a common sight while snorkeling. The basking shark, a harmless plankton feeder, visits the island in large groups during the winter, but is rarely seen.

What time of year is best to avoid mosquitoes?

On average, mosquitoes can survive between 50–80-degrees Fahrenheit. As they are cold-blooded, you'll find they are not active during the winter months! Cooler temperature makes mosquitoes inactive and could eventually kill them.

Is it worth going to Canary Islands in December?

In this way, we can say that if the weather is a determining factor when deciding the destination of your vacation, making a trip to the Canary Islands in December will be a great success. The islands where the climate is most favorable at any time of the year are Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, and Lanzarote.

Is Gran Canaria hotter than Tenerife in December?

Gran Canaria and Lanzarote are the hottest of the islands in December. There's only a very small chance of rain, and temperatures can reach as high as 26ºC, even over Christmas.

Are mosquitos a problem in the Canary Islands?

Most people who visit Gran Canaria and stay in the resorts don't get biten by mosquitos but even if you do, don't worry as the mosquito species that lives here doesn't carry any infectious diseases at all. Gran Canaria and the Canary Islands are completely free of Zika, dengue, malaria and yellow fever.