Are there toilets at Southampton station?

Are there toilets at Southampton station? Southampton Central train station has 4 platforms, each with access to a cafe. Toilet facilities can be found on platforms 1 and 4.

How do I know if my train has a toilet?

All Intercity trains are equipped with toilets. Signs are provided on the walls to indicate the locations of the toilets. Longer trains will have several toilets available.

Can you use the toilet on a train in the station?

It's advice you'll definitely have heard if you've ever travelled by train: please DO NOT use the toilet while the train is in a station. But, of course, it's advice that often goes ignored. But there's a very good reason why passengers should never use the toilet on board a train while it's waiting in a station.

Is Uber cheaper than taxi in London?

The distance you are travelling should impact your choice. Hiring a cab in London is quite economical if you are travelling small distances within the city. The fares will usually stay under your budget for short distance travelling. However, for longer routes, the prices can go a little higher when compared with Uber.