Are there wild foxes in New Zealand?

Are there wild foxes in New Zealand? Across the Tasman Sea colonists arriving to Aotearoa New Zealand had an equal fervour for the acclimatisation of plants and animals from home and it is only by pure luck that foxes did not become established. Indeed in 1864 a pair of red foxes was introduced to the South Island by Mr Charles Prince of Dunedin.

Are there crocodiles in New Zealand?

Unlike our neighbour, Australia, New Zealand isn't known for its deadly creatures. You won't find any crocodiles or poisonous land snakes here? thank goodness!

What predators are in New Zealand?

With no land predators, except for birds of prey, birds in New Zealand evolved into a mix of flightless birds and melodic forest birds. As a result, you may find that many birds in New Zealand are likely to come to check you out when hiking in the forests as they don't see you as a threat.