Are we going to lose the rainforest?

Are we going to lose the rainforest? With the current rate of deforestation, the world's rainforests will be gone by 2100. The rainforest is home to more than half of all species on Earth.

What will rainforests be like in 100 years?

If the current rate of deforestation continues, the world's rain forests will vanish within 100 years- causing unknown effects on global climate and eliminating the majority of plant and animal species on the planet. Deforestation occurs in many ways.

What happens if the Amazon is destroyed?

The Amazon region itself—the seven million square kilometer basin stretching over nine Brazilian states and eight other sovereign countries—would become virtually uninhabitable, according to the model. Rainfall would be 25 percent lower and temperatures up to 4.5°C hotter.

Would we have oxygen without trees?

Oxygen and CO2 – Trees remove CO2 from the atmosphere and convert it to oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. Without them converting CO2 to oxygen, CO2 levels would begin to rise while oxygen levels would steadily fall. Trees are responsible for 35% of the oxygen we breathe.