Can I fly with a sinus or ear infection?

Can I fly with a sinus or ear infection? Flying with a pre-existing ear infection or other ear, nose, or throat condition could even lead to complications in some cases. For this reason, many doctors will recommend avoiding air travel when experiencing a severe infection in the ears, nose, or throat.

Does flying while sick hurt your ears?

“If you've got inflammation blocking your means of equalizing the pressure, that's going to hurt,” he said. That pain can continue even after your flight as inflammation prevents the pressure from equalizing, Adalja added. It can also lead to trouble hearing, vertigo, and in rare cases, damage to the eardrum, Wu said.

Does flying increase sinus pressure?

Leaving aside the fear of flight (aerophobia), physical problems, such as increased sinus pressure, headache, and discomfort in the ears, are common pain points for many airline passengers. This unique condition is clinically known as aerosinusitis.

Can you fly with a blocked nose?

Why Flying With a Sinus Infection Hurts. First, if you're sick, and especially if you're coughing, you probably shouldn't be flying. Not only is it better for you to stay home and rest, it's also better to keep from spreading your illness to others.

Should you fly with inner ear problems?

In that case, it's best not to fly since it can increase the severity of your symptoms and, worst-case scenario, cause physical injury or lasting damage such as tinnitus and hearing loss.

How do I clear my sinuses before flying?

You can alternatively take an oral decongestant like (Pseudoephedrine or Phenylephrine) an hour before the flight as well. You need to use caution as decongestants can cause nasal dryness by opening the nose more and exposing the inside of the nose to dry air.

How do you prevent sinus pressure on a plane?

Spray Afrin nasal decongestant spray twice into each nostril one hour prior to flying. Begin taking a decongestant, like Sudafed, one hour before the flight. Both of these medications can be purchased over-the-counter in a drug store.

How do I protect my ears before flying?

Preventing Airplane Ear If clogged ears or ear pain cause you problems when flying, there are several steps you can take to prevent it from happening: Use filtered earplugs. Chew gum or suck on candy. Use a nasal spray 30 minutes before takeoff.

Can an airline deny boarding if you are sick?

Infectious Diseases
An airline can deny boarding of any passenger who looks unwell, especially if they suspect the passenger might be infectious (infect other passengers).