Can I fly with fishing hooks?

Can I fly with fishing hooks? Sharp fishing tackle that may be considered dangerous, such as large fish hooks, should be sheathed, securely wrapped, and packed in your checked luggage. Like other high-value objects, you may wish to pack expensive reels or fragile tackle that does not pose a security threat (small flies) in your carry-on baggage.

What is not allowed on Ryanair?

The following are strictly prohibited on board: Guns, firearms, or similar weapons; Pointed/edged weapons and sharp objects; Blunt instruments (that is any blunt instrument capable of causing injury, this includes some sporting equipment such as tennis rackets, hurleys, and baseball bats);

Can I take tweezers on a Ryanair flight?

Only scissors and tweezers with a maximum length of 6 cm and rounded ends are allowed in the cabin .

What tools are not allowed on a plane?

Tools 7 inches or shorter (measured from end to end when assembled) may be allowed in carry-on baggage. Power tools and all tools longer than 7 inches (measured from end to end when assembled) are prohibited in carry-on baggage; these items must be packed in your checked bags.