Can I go by train from Spain to Portugal?

Can I go by train from Spain to Portugal? Travelling from Madrid to Lisbon by train The fastest trains from Madrid to Lisbon take around 10 hours and 30 minutes, covering a distance of approximately 505 kilometres. On weekdays the only direct train to Lisbon is usually scheduled to depart Madrid around 21:43.

Do I need a Covid test to enter Portugal?

COVID test is not required when arriving in Portugal.

Can you take a train from Barcelona to Portugal?

Travelling from Barcelona to Lisbon by train The fastest trains from Barcelona to Lisbon take around 14 hours and 55 minutes, covering a distance of approximately 1,006 kilometres. On weekdays, the first train leaving Barcelona is scheduled to depart at around 05:50. The last departure is usually at around 21:15.

How long does it take to get from Spain to Portugal by train?

The fastest trains from Madrid to Lisbon take around 10 hours and 30 minutes, covering a distance of approximately 505 kilometres. On weekdays the only direct train to Lisbon is usually scheduled to depart Madrid around 21:43.

Is Portugal cheap or expensive?

The cost of living in Portugal is generally considered about 46 percent cheaper than in the United States. This, coupled with the country's excellent quality of life, beautiful beaches, stunning mountain ranges, reliable public transport, and rich history and culture, make it very easy to fall in love with Portugal.

How many days in Portugal is enough?

In nine to 12 days, you can expect to see a generous chunk of all that Portugal has to offer, from its most sensational cities to sublime vineyards and beaches, on a north-to-south trip.

What countries are close to Spain by train?

The international train network connects Spain with Portugal and France. It features the AVE high-speed train connection with France.

Is it better to travel Portugal by car or train?

Regional trains are often cheaper and some lines very scenic, but it's almost always quicker to go by bus – especially on shorter or less obvious routes. You'll obviously have a great deal more flexibility if you drive, and you'll be able to visit more out-of-the-way places in a short trip.

What is the best way to travel from Spain to Portugal?

The most popular way to travel from Spain to Portugal
  1. Flights from Spain to Portugal. A Spain to Portugal flight from any two major cities will typically take under 2 hours to complete. ...
  2. Buses from Spain to Portugal. ...
  3. Trains from Spain to Portugal. ...
  4. Train providers. ...
  5. Bus providers. ...
  6. Airlines.

Do you need a passport to go from Spain to Portugal?

If you're European citizen your country national ID will suffice. If you're a non European than you'll need your passport anyway staying in Spain, in Portugal or travelling from one to another.

Can you travel freely between Portugal and Spain?

Spain and Portugal are part of the free travel zone called “the Schengen Zone”. Travel between those 24 countries is free and open without any passport control, whether flying, driving or using public transport …

Is there a high-speed train from Spain to Portugal?

Portugal is developing a new high-speed train line, the first part of which is due to be completed in 2024. The 100km line from Elvas to Evora will cut the journey time between Lisbon in west Portugal and Badajoz in west Spain from three-and-a-half to under two hours.

Is it cheaper to travel by train?

Train travel is often cheaper than flying, in part because you can generally take more with you before paying extra baggage fees. It can also be more convenient and relaxing than driving, especially if you'd be driving in an unfamiliar place or driving for many hours nonstop to get to your destination.