Can tourists get tattoos in Japan?

Can tourists get tattoos in Japan? Because Japanese society has yet to completely welcome tattoos as an art form and a way of life, the majority of tattoo parlors in Japan are hidden in private studios and can only be visited with appointments in advance.

How safe is Japan for tourists?

Japan has earned a reputation as having some of the lowest crime rates in the world, both theft and violent crimes. While the Yakuza, Japan's organized crime syndicate, often plays a role in movies, they are not likely to target tourists. While in Japan, simply exercise common sense and don't make yourself a target.

Can foreigners with tattoos go to onsen?

Traditionally, visitors with tattoos aren't allowed in Japan's onsen (natural hot springs) because of an age-old association with organized crime. However, times are changing, and more and more onsen have relaxed their policies—in some cases to accommodate tattooed foreign tourists.

Can you go to Japan beaches with tattoos?

Some beaches are also off-limits to people with large tattoos (small ones are usually not a problem). If you want to go to a beach where tattoos are prohibited, we recommend wearing beach clothes with long sleeves or legs so that your tattoos aren't showing.

Can Westerners show tattoos in Japan?

Yes, Japan allows foreigners with tattoos to visit the country. However, people with visible tattoos may be barred from certain places like onsens (hot springs), gyms, swimming pools, and some traditional ryokans (inns), as tattoos are often associated with the Yakuza.

Can you wear shorts in Japan?

Casual clothing is common in Japan outside of Tokyo's business district. Shorts, jeans, and camisoles are perfectly fine to wear as long as you don't plan on attending religious sites.