Can you book and stay at a hotel at 16?

Can you book and stay at a hotel at 16? While many hotels require guests to be 18 or older to check-in, some hotels may allow guests as young as 16 to book a room with parental consent. This means that a parent or guardian would need to sign a consent form and provide a credit card for the room deposit.

Can my 16 year old son travel alone?

Child age at the time of unaccompanied travel Children ages 15-17 are permitted to travel as a standard passenger, Go to footer note, provided they can present a valid ID to security personnel. If parents or guardians prefer, they can also travel as an unaccompanied minor.

Do hostels check age?

While most properties do not impose any age restriction, this is not always the case, particularly in those which have a bar on the premises or are specifically tailored for the 'youth' market.

Are showers private in hostels?

Yes, but perhaps not in the way you're thinking. Most hostels have a communal bathroom with private shower stalls. So while they're technically “communal”, you'll still have a sense of privacy.

Can any age stay at a hostel?

Age limits often come with party hostels that have a bar inside—they'll limit people who are under 16 (or sometimes 18) from staying there. Some hostels that want to keep a younger vibe with similarly aged guests will restrict to under 30 or 40, but these are becoming rarer. How do you know if a place has an age limit?

Can you stay in a hostel alone at 17?

Young people under the age of 18 will usually need to provide permission from a legal guardian if they wish to stay unaccompanied in a hostel. Families with young children or groups of minors will stay in a private room rather than a shared room.

Do hostels have cameras?

It can also be a good idea to use the lockers that many hostels offer to store your valuables. But for the most part, hostels are staffed 24 hours and many even have security cameras. And, with so many people around all the time, theft and other crimes are extremely rare.

Should I declare my child when booking a hotel?

Most hotels don't charge extra for the child. But, some do. Especially in cases that involve free breakfast etc benefits. Also, It's safe to let the hotel know you have a child so they can plan your room allocation and emergency help.

Do hostels have places to lock your stuff?

Hostels come in different shapes and sizes. Some have dorms with lockers large enough to fit your entire suitcase. For example, when I stayed in a dorm at the Selina hostel in Lisbon, Portugal, I had access to three lockers: one under my bed, one above my bed and a small personal one.

Can 16 year olds stay in hostels?

Many jurisdictions require hostels to follow the same rules as hotels, which often includes age requirements. In most countries, the minimum booking age is 18. In other countries, and in parts of some (like the US), the minimum booking age is 21. Some hostels allow solo guests as young as 16 years old.

How can I check into a hotel without ID?

You may also be able to present your booking receipt, confirmation email, or a digital ID — whatever you have to prove your identity. If you've reported your lost ID to the police, you can provide them with a copy of the incident report or the report number.

Can a 16 year old fly alone Ryanair?

Passengers over the age of 16 may travel without an adult. Ryanair does not allow unaccompanied minors under 16 years to travel. Children under the age of 16 years must always be accompanied by a passenger over 16 years. Escort and special facilities are not available on Ryanair flights.