Can you catch a train from Barcelona to Madrid?

Can you catch a train from Barcelona to Madrid? Yes, there is a direct train from Barcelona to Madrid. We usually find around 39 direct trains on the route from Barcelona to Madrid every weekday. There are typically fewer trains leaving at weekends, when we found around 30 departures.

Is it cheaper to fly or train from Barcelona to Madrid?

Without a doubt, taking the train is faster, cheaper, more convenient, and greener than flying. By taking the train you: Don't have to make your way to and from the cities' airports which are located out of town, unlike the train stations which are located in the city centers of Madrid and Barcelona.

How many days in Barcelona is enough?

Barcelona is easily worth two days, and no one would regret having a third day (or a fourth, or a fifth…). If you can spare only one full day for the city, it will be a scramble, but a day you'll never forget.

Is it better to go to Madrid or Barcelona first?

Well, it depends on what you're looking for. If it's traditional culture, Madrid can offer classy museums and easy day trips to historic cities, but if it's a more laidback, perhaps beachy break then it has to be Barcelona.

Should I spend more days in Madrid or Barcelona?

If you have only a brief time in the city, you cannot fail to be impressed by Barcelona. But take a little more time and Madrid's charms become apparent. Cheaper, with more variety, better food, and generally more to do than Barcelona, Madrid gets the top prize for a longer trip.

Is Barcelona a walkable city?

Barcelona is a very walkable city. We could stroll through the differernt neighborhoods first hand and get a feel for the local markets and shops. Of course a stop at the open air market of La Boqueria is a must. You will find fruit stands, sweets, tapas, cheese, and of course meat vendors.

How many days are enough for Barcelona and Madrid?

For most travelers, 6 to 9 days is the perfect amount of time for a Spain trip with stops in both Barcelona and Madrid. If you don't mind a fast-paced journey, you can see the highlights of this route in less time—as few as about 5 days.

Is Madrid cheaper than Barcelona?

2. Where is it more expensive to live? Madrid is overall a cheaper city to live in than Barcelona. You can buy a coffee for just €2 and eat out at a regular restaurant for €12 a head, according to Numbeo.

Is 7 days in Barcelona too much?

There's so much to see and do in the Catalan capital. You could practically spend a lifetime discovering hidden local gems that most tourists would never stumble upon. However, a week is still the perfect amount of time to spend in the city.

What is the easiest way to get from Madrid to Barcelona?

Madrid to Barcelona by train The fastest and most convenient travel option, the train between Madrid and Barcelona takes between two-and-a-half to three-and-a-quarter hours, with trains leaving Madrid's Puerta de Atocha station, located in the city center, and arriving at the Barcelona-Sants station every hour.

What is the best month to visit Barcelona Spain?

The best time to visit Barcelona is during the shoulder seasons of spring (April to June) and fall (September to October). During these months, the weather is generally mild, sunny, and pleasant, with temperatures ranging from 60°F (15°C) to 80°F (27°C).

Is 2 days enough for Madrid?

How Many Days Do You Need in Madrid? After spending a week in Madrid, we think that 2 days in Madrid is the right amount of time to see the main highlights of the city, though there's PLENTY more to do, see, eat, and drink to fill your time if you're lucky enough to have more.

Is Madrid or Barcelona more walkable?

Madrid is more walkable. But aside from that, Barcelona is just harder to get around. Tourist attractions and nightlife hubs are spread out and often require public transportation to get from point A to B.

Is 3 full days in Barcelona enough?

Yes, three days is undoubtedly enough time to get a feel for the Catalonian capital, and even take a short side trip to a nearby destination. 72 hours in Barcelona will undoubtedly allow you to sample the local food, see plenty of Gaudi architecture, and even squeeze in a moment to relax.

Is it cheaper to buy Spain train tickets in advance?

Reserving point-to-point tickets in advance (available up to 60 days ahead of travel) is the best way to save money and to guarantee a seat on your preferred train. Furthermore, many areas of Spain aren't well served by its train system — for many trips, buses and even flights may be a better option.

Is Madrid worth going to?

Madrid is a great city to visit in and of itself, and even better if you plan on taking some side trips. With its central location in Spain, Madrid provides the perfect base for day trips or weekend getaways.

Is it better to fly or take the train from Barcelona to Madrid?

Without a doubt, taking the train is faster, cheaper, more convenient, and greener than flying. By taking the train you: Don't have to make your way to and from the cities' airports which are located out of town, unlike the train stations which are located in the city centers of Madrid and Barcelona.