Can you drive yourself in Masai Mara?

Can you drive yourself in Masai Mara? So, while we allow self-drive visits to the Mara, we recommend exploring the Mara with a driver-guide. Most lodges also offer game viewing packages, and some lodges have these game drives included in their room rates. Alternatively, you can pick up a ranger form one of the gates to help you navigate the park better.

Is Masai Mara safari worth it?

Is it still worth visiting? The short answer is yes. The Masai Mara Reserve has an abundance of resident wildlife all year round. It is not true that all the predators disappear once the huge herds of the migration move south toward the Serengeti in neighbouring Tanzania.

Do you need anti malaria tablets for Masai Mara?

Please contact your doctor or travel clinic before coming to Kenya. There is malaria in the Masai Mara and antimalarials are highly recommended. Using mosquito repellent containing DEET and covering up at dusk is also advisable to minimize the risk of being bitten by mosquitoes.

What are the rules for Masai Mara?

They include:
  • Switch off the radio and explore the park. ...
  • Human activity interferes with an animal's behavior. ...
  • When wild animals hear human voices they get afraid, causing them to move away or stop. ...
  • You are allowed to leave the track to get closer to the Big Five. ...
  • To get a better view, use your binoculars.

How much is an average 10 day Kenya safari cost?

There are highly exclusive safaris costing more than $1,000 per person per night, easily arranged mid-range safaris costing from $300 to $600 per person per day. and budget adventures from just $125 per day.

Can you self-drive safari in Kenya?

Yes, Kenya is generally considered safe for Self-drive safaris. Kenya is also a popular destination for wildlife enthusiasts and offers a wide range of safari experiences in its famous Parks and Nature reserves, such as the Maasai Mara, Amboseli, Tsavo, and Samburu.

Is it safe to self drive in Kenya?

Roadtrip Africa has been exploring Kenya by road for many years now. The experience is rewarding and safe, as long as you follow these precautions: Obey the maximum speed limit. Beware of unmarked speed bumps, which are plentiful in many parts of Kenya, especially at the entrance of towns.

How safe is Masai Mara?

It is very safe to travel to the Maasai Mara. The park is hours away from Kenya's urban regions, where safety is more of a concern, and is properly patrolled by well trained Park Rangers and animal Wardens. The Masai Mara is one of the safest parks in Kenya to visit for a safari, for the reasons listed below.

Are safari trips in Kenya safe?

Is Kenya safe to visit? Well, we would never send our clients to places we wouldn't visit ourselves with our own families. Kenya's superb safari destinations are safe to visit and its warm, hospitable people will make your trip a memorable one.

Which is the best month to visit Masai Mara?

The long cool-dry season from July to October is considered by most to be the best time of year to visit Masai Mara but also costliest season too. The absence of rain means that the flora is less dense, so animals are easier to observe.

How many days are enough for Masai Mara?

At least, you should plan to spend 4 days 3 nights at the Masai Mara in order to view the good percentage of the variety of wildlife and scrivener in the park. The Masai Mara is a big place and 4 days would give you sufficient time to explore the most interesting parts of the park.

Which is better Masai Mara or Serengeti?

Ultimately, neither is better than the other. Both Serengeti and Masai Mara win the prize for the best safari in Africa. They are both amazing travel destinations and there are pros and cons to going on a wildlife safari in both. Masai Mara Safaris generally offer slightly more concentrated game viewing year-round.

Why is Masai Mara so expensive?

Prices tend to be higher during the Peak season which is normally when the Great wildebeest migration happens as this attracts large numbers of visitors to Masai Mara making it more expensive to secure rooms due to the high demand. The Peak season runs from July to October.

What are the negatives of tourism in Masai Mara?

With nearly 200,000 visitors a year, vehicle pollution and erosion can be a problem. Another problem is created when tourists take pictures of the Masai without their permission, which invades their privacy and possibly annoys them. Few tourists stay with the tribe, so the Masai earn very little money from tourism.

How should I dress for Masai Mara trip?

Safari clothing (what to wear)
  1. Sun glasses.
  2. Comfortable trousers.
  3. Hats which can be bought at the masaai land.
  4. Flip flops.
  5. Cotton pajamas.
  6. Waterproof jackets.
  7. Good hiking shoes.
  8. Garden gloves.