Can you go to Strasbourg with 49-euro ticket?

Can you go to Strasbourg with 49-euro ticket? Since the Strasbourgers don't actually allow the 49-euro ticket to cross over into their territory, it will be necessary to spend a few extra euros.

Can I go to Prague with 49-euro ticket?

Even if you have a Deutschland ticket (Germany's 49 euro ticket) that will only get you as far as the border, so you'd still have to buy train tickets from the border to Prague.

Can I use Deutschland-Ticket in Munich?

Where is the Deutschlandticket valid? The ticket is valid throughout Germany on local and regional public transport. This means that you can use your MVG ticket not only on all local public transport in Munich, but also on public transport in all other German cities.

Where can I go with a 49-euro ticket?

You can use the ticket in all forms of local and regional transportation in Germany. That includes buses, U-Bahns, S-Bahns, trams, and local and regional trains. The ticket is valid in every federal state, regardless of where you live in Germany.

Is the 49-euro ticket valid in Munich?

Deutschlandticket in Munich: How the cheap train ticket for Germany works. Since May 2023, the Deutschlandticket, also known as the 49-euro ticket, has been valid in Munich and throughout Germany.

How do I cancel my 49-euro ticket?

On the Deutsche Bahn website, you need to log in and then navigate to the page called My subscriptions. In the following page you can view your 49-euro ticket subscription and click the action cancel. You then select the date you want to cancel your subscription.

Can I travel outside Germany with 49 euro ticket?

So if you just want to stroll outside of Germany and have a good time, you can quickly hop across the border with the 49-euro ticket.