Can you swim in Honolulu in December?

Can you swim in Honolulu in December? Hawaii's ocean temperatures are nice enough for swimming. In fact, you can swim anytime of year in Hawaii without needing a wetsuit.

Is snorkeling in Hawaii cold?

While the water temperature in Kona Hawaii is typically much warmer than waters off of the Mainland United States some people still get cold while snorkeling on the Big Island. and some may be surprised or even shocked by the temperature when they first get in. As you get closer to the equator the water gets warmer.

Is it too cold to swim in Maui in December?

Maui—A Winter Wonderland While Florida's ocean temperatures drop as much as 25 degrees from August to January, Maui stays within 5 degrees of its highs year-round! That means that during the holidays, Maui visitors swim in ocean waters that average a comfortable 75 degrees.

Can you still swim in Hawaii in winter?

Ocean Conditions Even though January is one of Hawaii's cooler months, the ocean temperatures are still warm enough to allow you to swim comfortably. You can expect the ocean temperatures to reach around 72 to 76 degrees F, making the water just slightly cooler than the outside temperatures at the peak of the day.

Is it better to go to Hawaii in December or January?

Some months bring more tourists and visitors to Hawaii than others. If you're planning a January visit to Hawaii, you may be wondering how busy the state will be during your trip. Compared to late December, when many visitors flock to Hawaii to celebrate the holidays, January is slightly less crowded.

Is it worth going to Hawaii in winter?

Hawaii Weather in January is Pleasant If you're interested in surfing, swimming, hiking, or taking a helicopter tour on your trip, you'll be happy to know that January offers ideal weather conditions for each of these activities.

Is it summer in Hawaii in December?

For most of Hawaii, there are only two seasons: summer, between May and October, and winter, between October and April.

Which Hawaiian island is warmest in December?

Air temperature averages (in degrees Fahrenheit) for the Hawaiian islands in December are: Big Island: High 82/Low 67. Maui: High 72/Low 56. Oahu: High 79/Low 66.

Do you need a wetsuit in Hawaii in December?

It may sound silly since Hawaii is synonymous with warm water surfing but it does get chilly sometimes. You won't need to pack your winter 4/3 full suit by any means but a nice 1 or 2mm wetsuit top will help keep your core warm and allow you to surf longer, especially if the trade winds start to pick up.

Should I go to Hawaii in December?

The end of the month gets pretty busy in Hawaii, with people flocking to this tropical paradise for the holidays. December is the most active tourist season for the islands. However, the rest of the month is tranquil, making it a lovely choice for a winter getaway.

Can you swim in Hawaii at Christmas?

Water Temperatures Pacific Ocean temperatures on Honolulu shores are warmer than those of Hilo, but both are still swim-worthy at 77 and 73 degrees, respectively. Ocean temperatures in December all around the Hawaiian islands rest comfortably at about 77 degrees.

Is Sun Strong in Hawaii in December?

Hawaii is on the equator, so it has the same amount of direct sunlight throughout the year. People forget that while traveling to the islands in the winter months, it is not going to be any less direct sunlight than if you were there in the summer.

Which part of Hawaii is best to visit in December?

However, in most cases, rain tends to fall at night in Hawaii. If the rain worries you, consider booking your stay on the leeward side of the islands, as they tend to be drier. You can also look at the islands with the least rain in December, which include Big Island and Maui.

Do you need a jacket in Hawaii in December?

You'll want to bring a light jacket or sweater; evenings can be cool. Rain probably won't be an all-day affair, but the north shore will certainly be cooler, and it gets more rain in winter. South shore should be warm and sunny. For swimming in winter I wear the equivalent of a short-sleeve rash guard.

Is Hawaii better in July or December?

The beautiful islands only have two seasons: the summer months, from May to October, and the “winter” months, from November to April. However, the best weather is in July, with an average high of 88° F and only light rainfall. The average temperature in Hawai'i in July usually doesn't fall below the mid-70s.

What month is not good to go to Hawaii?

Worst Times to Visit Hawaii In an environment as beautiful as Hawaii, it's hard to call any season a bad time to visit. But if you want to avoid high prices and giant crowds at the islands' most popular destinations, you might consider skipping the busy months of June, July, and December.

What is the best island in Hawaii to spend Christmas?

Oahu is the best Hawaiian island for Christmas. Oahu is the least busy, the cheapest Hawaiian island to visit, and offers the most Christmas activities. The island of Hawai'i is a close second best as the days are warmer and there are fewer rainy days in December.