Can you swim the Cook Strait?

Can you swim the Cook Strait? Cook strait It's 26 kilometres of cold, rough water swimming against strong tidal flows and abundant marine life. Due to the underlying mountainous geography, the water can be extremely unpredictable with swirling eddies and upward currents. There are very few opportunities, in any given year, to attempt this swim.

Is it better to visit the North or South Island of New Zealand?

Generally speaking, if you want to engage with city culture or explore Maori history, the North Island is for you. If you want to deep-dive into nature, the South Island has plenty of lakes, mountains, fjords, and glaciers to discover.

How rough is the Cook Strait?

Cook Strait can also be one of the world's roughest stretches of water. It's part of the westerly wind belt known as the Roaring Forties. As the only gap between the mountainous main islands of the country, the strait acts like a huge wind tunnel.

How deep is the water in the Cook Strait?

Cook Strait, strait separating the North and South islands of New Zealand, extending northwest to southeast from the Tasman Sea to the south Pacific Ocean. About 14 miles (23 km) wide at its narrowest point, it averages 420 feet (128 m) in depth.

Why is there no bridge between New Zealand islands?

It would be engineeringly impossible to build a bridge or tunnel between the North and South Islands of NZ using current engineering technology. Cook Strait is very deep and the several earthquake fault lines would preclude a tunnel.