Can you use contactless on Amsterdam public transport?

Can you use contactless on Amsterdam public transport? Everyone using public transport must have a valid Ticket. If you check in with your contactless Debit or Credit Card, your Transport Ticket has been linked to your Debit or Credit Card via a registration in the GBO.

What is the best public transport card for Amsterdam?

OV-chipcard or tickets Throughout the Netherlands, the public transport chip card (OV-chipkaart) is used to travel by public transport. If you're in Amsterdam for a longer period of time and use public transport regularly, buying an OV-chipkaart is the best way to go.

Is it better to use cash or card in Amsterdam?

Dutch currency Many shops and restaurants in Amsterdam accept credit cards, but not all. It is therefore recommended to either ask before you order or ensure you have a sufficient amount in cash to cover the bill. Most shops and restaurants do not accept €200 or €500 notes.

Can you use your credit card on public transport in Amsterdam?

OVpay is the new way to check-in and out of public transport with your debit or credit card. Simply hold your card against the card reader on the bus, tram and metro. The system will beep once you have checked in correctly. Be sure to check out with the same card at your destination.

Is there an app for public transport in Amsterdam?

The free GVB app (for iOS and Android) is the app for travelling by tram, bus, night bus, metro and ferry in Amsterdam and the rest of the Netherlands. It's your go-to travel app for frequent travellers or for just a visit.

How do I pay public transport in Amsterdam?

How do you pay for public transport in Amsterdam? Public transport in Amsterdam is cashless. Simply check in with your Debit or Credit Card, or save money on travel with the I amsterdam City Card, which offers unlimited use of Amsterdam's public transport system for 24, 48 or 72 hours.

What is the cheapest way for public transport in Amsterdam?

The cheapest way to travel around Amsterdam is walking but if you need to get somewhere fast, the use of an OV chip card is the answer.

How do I pay for public transport in the Netherlands?

There are two main ways to pay while travelling by train in the Netherlands. You can either buy tickets online or from a ticket machine, or you can use your OV-chipkaart, or smartphone using OVPay. You can look up the NS Journey Planner to check timetables and plan your route.

Should I get euros before going to Amsterdam?

Resist the urge to buy foreign currency before your trip. Some tourists feel like they just have to have euros or British pounds in their pockets when they step off the airplane, but they pay the price in bad stateside exchange rates. Wait until you arrive to withdraw money.

Do you tip in Amsterdam?

That's because, in the Netherlands, there is no social or written requirement to tip a restaurant worker. However, if you received good service or thoroughly enjoyed the food, it's customary to give a small tip — around 5-10% of the bill. If your service was just average, round up the bill or leave some change.