Can you wear Birkenstocks in Vegas?

Can you wear Birkenstocks in Vegas? In terms of shoes, there are certain places where fashion is more important than comfort -- like our famous nightclubs. However, when you're hoofing it around during daylight hours, wear your tennis shoes or Birkenstocks.

What do people wear to Vegas night out?

If you're not comfortable in a dress, jazz up some trendy shorts with a cute top and pumps. When you just can't decide what to wear out in Vegas, an LBD (little black dress) amped up with some accessories is a classic start for a great night out. Keep in mind that the dance floor will get hot and crowded.

How strict are Vegas dress codes?

Every single nightclub and ultra lounge in Las Vegas will enforce a dress code at the entrance, and they are all pretty similar with some exceptions. Girls can almost get away with anything they want; however, we have seen instances where flip flop sandals were looked down upon.

Is there a dress code for Caesars casino?

Caesars Palace Las Vegas - Entertainment Headliners - Dress Code. While we don't have a dress code, we would suggest dressing in business casual; no abbreviated clothing.