Do Aer Lingus seat families together?

Do Aer Lingus seat families together? If you choose not to pre-book a particular seat, we'll allocate one based on remaining availability at check-in. We'll do our best to make sure that you and your travel companions are seated together, particularly if you're travelling with children, but this depends on the number of seats remaining at the time.

Will I get seats together on flight?

Choose your family's seats when booking, whether it's included with your fare or you have to pay an additional fee. If you are unable to get your family's seats together at the time of booking, call the airline and speak with a reservations agent to determine the best course of action.

What is the etiquette for seat swapping?

“A cardinal rule of seat swaps is that you should never take someone else's seat before they board,” the blog states. As for how requests to swap seats should be handled by travellers, both Gottsman and The Points Guy say that passengers should feel comfortable declining if they don't want to give up their seat.

What does a kid need if they are flying with a different family?

U.S. Customs and Border Protection recommends that any child under the age of 16 traveling without both legal guardians should have a notarized Child Travel Consent signed by both legal guardians. Having your Child Travel Consent notarized decreases the chance of travel authorities questioning its validity.

Where is the best place to sit on a plane with a family?

You're Flying with a Family of Six or More… If you're traveling with a toddler or infant that may fuss and kick the seat in front of you, have your three other family members fill those seats to avoid passenger complaints. If that's the case, three seats directly behind and in front of one another is your best bet.

Are families priority boarding?

Depending on their ages and which airline you have chosen, some airlines invite families to board in front of everybody else, while others allow those with kids to slide in somewhere between elite passengers and regular coach-flying folk.

How should a family of 5 sit on a plane?

For a party of five who likes to occasionally chat during the flight, sit three in a row and two directly behind or in front in the window or aisle seat to easily socialize with each other without bothering the passengers around you.

What is the etiquette for seat switching?

Always wait until boarding is finished.
Then — and only then — you may kindly ask a fellow passenger if you may swap with them.” She notes that if people sit in the wrong seat, this can cause havoc for both other passengers and the crew, so just be patient.

Can you switch seats with family on a plane?

Unless a member of the flight crew instructs you to move, you are never required to give up your seat or exchange your seat with another passenger. Whether you agree to exchange your seat for another on the plane if asked by a fellow passenger is entirely up to you.

Are children automatically seated with parents on flights?

A parent who purchases airline tickets for a family should receive a guarantee from the airline that it will seat the parent and child together without fees or a last-minute scramble at the gate or having to ask other passengers to give up their seat to allow the parent and child to sit together.

Is it worth paying for seat selection?

In fact, most regular airlines now charge for seat selection anyways. It's often around $10-$30 per seat per flight segment, so if you cave in and pay for that, it can add up quickly. You shouldn't do it. No matter which airline you're flying on, don't ever pay to select a seat.

How should a family of 4 sit on a plane?

If you want a window seat, then suppose you choose from left to right (looking toward plane's nose): kid, kid, parent (aisle), parent (aisle). if in the middle then it's parent, kiddo, kiddo, parent. Mirror image it if you want the other side of the plane.