Do I need a breathalyser to drive in France?

Do I need a breathalyser to drive in France? Breathalyser kit – While a breathalyser kit was once mandatory, this requirement was removed in 2020. However, it is still recommended that you carry one with you, especially if you plan on drinking alcohol.

Which cities in France need a crit air sticker?

Which towns and cities are covered by the Crit'Air scheme?
  • Aix-Marseille-Provence region.
  • Bordeaux (coming in 2024)
  • Clermont-Ferrand.
  • Grenoble.
  • Lyon.
  • Marseille.
  • Montpellier.
  • Paris.

Can you turn right on red in France?

There is no “right turn on red” in France. A yellow flashing arrow means that you can drive in the arrow's direction, with caution, even though the other lights may be red. Headlights are mandatory when it is raining. On multi-lane roads and highways, slower traffic always stays to the right.

Can I drive in France as a tourist?

As long as you are a tourist and have a valid driver's license written in the Roman alphabet from your country, you don't need to carry an international driving permit to drive in France. The minimum age to drive in France is 18 years old.

Is it worth getting a toll tag for France?

If you are going to France only once and for a relatively short trip then it's probably not worth it. On the other hand, if you are going to make a very long trip through France or visit several times a year then it's probably worthwhile.