Do I need to keep my passport on me at all times in France?

Do I need to keep my passport on me at all times in France? All foreign visitors, including European Union (EU) nationals, must carry identification in the form of a passport or national identity card. French police may require visitors to show identification at any time, including when entering or leaving the country.

What are the passport rules for France?

Your arrival in France
  • A valid passport issued less than 10 years before and valid for at least 3 months after the envisaged departure date;
  • A valid visa, if required;

Can I leave my passport in my hotel?

If your room has a safe, definitely leave the passport there. I once had a passport stolen, and getting temporary travel papers was a big hassle. I carry a driver's license on me and a photocopy of my passport on my phone. That plus looking like a tourist should be enough.

Is it safe to leave passport in Airbnb?

How to Keep your passport safe at your hotel or Airbnb. To keep your passport safe, lock it up at your hotel. Use your best judgement based on the activities you'll be doing each day. If you leave your passport behind, lock it in a room safe or in the lockable compartment of your bag.

Should you keep your passport on you or in the hotel?

Leave Your Passport at the Hotel Although your passport is required as an ID when travelling abroad, you don't really need to carry it around with you everywhere. Consider moving around the city with your driver's license instead, and leave your passport behind in the hotel safe.

Do I need to carry my passport at all times in a foreign country?

While overseas, carry copies of your passport ID page and foreign visa with you at all times. If your passport is lost or stolen, report it immediately to the nearest embassy or consulate, or at 1-877-487-2778. Learn about travel regulations, local laws, and customs for your destination at

Why do you have to leave your passport at a hotel?

Sometimes they'll just inspect it - other times they'll photocopy it… Why do some countries require a passport to stay in a hotel? It's for identity so that the hotel knows it's really you and not someone trying to scam your reservation.

Do hotels keep your passport in France?

Hotels do not keep your passport during your stay. They often will ask to see your passport when you check in. The reason is twofold: Hotels are required by state law to maintain a register of their guests, and keep that record for a certain time.

Where can I hide my passport in a hotel room?

Look for a place in your hotel room where people wouldn`t think that it would be there, like under the TV or at the edge of the carpet. When the edge of the carpet can be pulled up and it is covered by furniture, people will not notice it there. When you get back after a day out, make sure to check on it immediately.

Should I carry my passport with me at all times in the USA?

Do you need to carry your passport at all times? No. But it makes for good identification should you need it.

Can hotels take pictures of your room?

Hotel rooms are intended to be private places. The idea that someone could be watching you is unsettling. As you might assume, there are laws surrounding the use of hidden recording devices in private areas. In the United States, it is not legal to record hotel guests in their private spaces without their consent.

Can airport scanners detect passport?

Yes, it will show up as an object made of (probably) paper, maybe with a chip in it. The chip might give it away as specifically a passport, if the security person manning the system was actually looking for that. But their primary role is to look for weapons and other potential hazards to flight safety.

Where is the safest place to keep your passport in a hotel?

It is best that you leave it at the hotel`s safety deposit box rather than inside your room`s safe. If your hotel doesn`t have one, then you can keep it inside your hotel room. Look for a place in your hotel room where people wouldn`t think that it would be there, like under the TV or at the edge of the carpet.

Why you should always travel with your passport?

Having a passport is one of the best ways to protect yourself when traveling abroad. Not only does it make life easier and more convenient, but if something goes wrong while you're away from home, such as losing your luggage or getting sick, at least you'll have something that proves who you are and where you're from.

Do I need to keep my passport on me at all times in Europe?

In general, across Europe, you should carry either your passport or a copy of it. You are required by law to have a valid form of identification.

Should I leave a copy of my passport when traveling?

Get Required Documents
Make two copies of all your travel documents in case of emergency. Leave one copy with a trusted friend or relative at home and carry the other separately from your original documents. To help prevent theft, do not carry your passport in your back pocket, and keep it separate from your money.

Where do you keep your passport when traveling to Europe?

Carry Your Passport on Your Person Only if Needed
If you carry it in your purse or travel bag, keep it zipped up in an internal pocket within your bag. Don't carry it loosely in your bag where a pickpocket's hand can gain quick access to it. Never keep your passport in your back pocket.