Do I need water shoes in French Polynesia?

Do I need water shoes in French Polynesia? Water shoes make walking on sand easier, and they're easy to swim in, too. Don't skip them.

How long can you stay underwater with snorkel gear?

In most cases, we don't recommend diving underwater for any more than 2 minutes with a full face snorkel. Even if you are an experienced snorkeler who is going out in perfect conditions, we don't recommend diving for more than 2 minutes.

What can I not bring to Tahiti?

All telecommunications and radio equipment require an import license, and certain types of animal life and flora are protected by customs regulations. Strictly prohibited imports include live animals, all plant material, flowers, fruits, and cultured pearls of non-French Polynesian origin.

Is it safe to swim in French Polynesia?

Is it safe to swim in French Polynesia? Most beaches in French Polynesia are safe to visit as they are in lagoons, which are protected from the dangers of the open ocean. However, some can have strong currents and tides. Some of the marine wildlife in French Polynesia is also dangerous.

Do I need to bring cash to Bora Bora?

Yes, many lodging establishments, eateries, and retail stores in Bora Bora accept credit and debit cards, but some small shops may only accept cash.

Are you supposed to tip in French Polynesia?

To summarize, tipping in French Polynesia is not required nor expected! Unlike places in Canada and the United States, such as Calgary and San Diego, where servers are heavily reliant on receiving tips to have a livable wage, French Polynesia automatically factors in the cost of their staff's salary in your bill.

Can Americans drink water in Tahiti?

Drinking water:
You can drink tap water in Tahiti, Moorea and Bora Bora and in all the international resorts. It is usually fine in family hotels and in the other islands but we recommend that you ask your hosts for confirmation.

Can you drink alcohol in French Polynesia?

The legal drinking age is 18, and individuals under 18 years of age are not allowed to purchase or consume alcohol. Additionally, French Polynesia has strict laws in place to prevent drunk driving, and the legal age to purchase cigarettes is 21 years old.

Is tipping expected in French Polynesia?

To summarize, tipping in French Polynesia is not required nor expected! Unlike places in Canada and the United States, such as Calgary and San Diego, where servers are heavily reliant on receiving tips to have a livable wage, French Polynesia automatically factors in the cost of their staff's salary in your bill.