Do Italians say Mamma Mia a lot?

Do Italians say Mamma Mia a lot? Originally Answered: Does Italian actually says “Mamma Mia”? YES. we actually say that a lot as an exclamation or surprise, both with a good and bad connotation, or based on the tone it can mean something is annoying you.

Why do Italians say Va Bene?

This is one of the most important phrases you'll need to know before coming to Italy. It means 'ok' or 'alright', and you're going to hear it every five seconds. Va bene literally translates as 'goes well' and, if things are going well, you'd use it in response to the question come va? (how's it going?)

What do Italians say instead of oh my god?

Oh mio Dio! Oh my God! Al diavolo! To hell with that!