Do people wear shorts in Bali?

Do people wear shorts in Bali? Is it OK to wear shorts in Bali? It is safe to wear shorts or skirts too, and there will be no being 'looked at', but to pay respect the culture of Bali and be mindful of it, it is suggested that you wear comfortable knee-length bottoms with scarves as a quick wrap-around for your toppers.

Is it okay to kiss in public in Bali?

Except for lovers holding hands, which the Balinese do openly, romantic gestures or emotions are rarely displayed in public. This, however, is not done in most parts of Indonesia or in villages. Lovers do not kiss in public, and visitors should respect the Balinese' aversion to such intimate gestures.

Can I show my shoulders in Bali?

In general, dress modestly, especially when visiting temples. Women and men should wear shirts that cover their shoulders and upper arms, and are expected to wear a sarong, or scarf, when entering a temple.

Should I wear jeans in Bali?

Bali does not have any particular dress-code mandate on tourists. You can wear anything comfortable, though summer lothes would be more suitable in the tropical weather of Bali. Remember to carry rain clothes if you're planning on traveling during rainy months, and hiking clothes and shoes if needed.

Is it too hot to wear jeans in Bali?

I brought denim shorts but definitely leave the jeans at home. Bali is a conservative country. You should cover up when you are not on the beach or at a beach resort, especially when you are in Bali villages or at Bali Temples.

Can I wear red in Bali?

Colors for Balinese
The common colors that used in Balinese traditional clothing is white and yellow, as it represents purity. Dark colors like brown, purple, or red are usually used in special occasion like weddings or local events.

Do I need to dress modestly in Bali?

Be Conservative
In general, dress modestly, especially when visiting temples. Women and men should wear shirts that cover their shoulders and upper arms, and are expected to wear a sarong, or scarf, when entering a temple.

Can you share a room with a girl in Bali?

“Living together” is also to be punishable by up to six months in prison, which means two people sharing a hotel room could potentially be in jeopardy.

How do you dress modestly in Bali?

In general, dress modestly, especially when visiting temples. Women and men should wear shirts that cover their shoulders and upper arms, and are expected to wear a sarong, or scarf, when entering a temple.