Do taxis in Aruba take USD?

Do taxis in Aruba take USD? Be sure to agree with your driver on your journey's fixed-rate before beginning your journey. You can pay for your Aruba taxi in both Aruban Florin and USD. Tipping your taxi driver isn't mandatory but it's always appreciated, especially if you received great service.

Is it easy to get a taxi at Aruba airport?

Getting a taxi from the airport to your accommodation is easy! Outside the arrivals terminal, you will find a queue of officially certified and trustworthy taxi service providers who are ready to take you to your destination. More info below!

Are there taxis outside Aruba airport?

There are always taxis ready and waiting outside of the airport at the taxi stand. Please view more information on taxi fares and regulations. If you are interested in renting a car, please view a list of car rentals here. Please note the majority of car rentals offer free drop of and pick up service.

How much is a taxi from Aruba airport to Oranjestad?

In Aruba, taxi rates are flat and are set by the government. For airport transportation to Oranjestad city centre, the taxi fare is set at $21 (€18.92). Passengers are allowed one piece of luggage and one personal item each.

Can you pay taxi by card in Aruba?

All taxi drivers must follow the official taxi price list and in my experience all of them did follow it without question. There's no expectation of tipping. All payments are in cash (both USD and florins are accepted), not a single cab I've seen took credit cards.

Should I bring cash or card to Aruba?

Arm Yourself with Small Bills -- Bring a bundle of small bills (if your currency is American dollars) to make for easy tipping and small purchases. There's no need to bring large sums of cash, unless you're planning to make big purchases and prefer not to use a credit card.

What is tipping etiquette in Aruba?

In restaurants which do not automatically add the service charge, a tip of 15% - 20% is appropriate depending on the quality of the service you received. Upon receiving your bill, carefully review it to determine if a service charge has already been added. This will be on a separate line and identified as such.

How much should you tip a taxi driver in Aruba?

Taxi drivers won't be offended, many are happy enough to recieve the fare plus a thank you. A conversation is worth more than a tip when the fare is fair. 15 to 20% is within norms. The 15-20% is usually just a dollar or 2 at most.

Is it better to use florin or USD in Aruba?

Although Aruban florin is the best currency to use and the US dollar can be helpful at times too, exchanging currencies in the form of cash almost invariably leads to poor exchange rates for tourists (we've seen as high as 20% commissions, although the average is between 5% and 15% of the amount exchanged).

What should I be careful of in Aruba?

There is violent crime in association with drugs, but this rarely affects tourists. The main tourist areas are generally safe, but you should take sensible precautions: avoid remote areas at night. don't take valuables to the beach or leave any valuables in your vehicle.

Can you use $50 bills in Aruba?

Smaller businesses that can't afford the risk of taking a counterfeit bill may refuse to accept anything larger that a $20 USD. Bigger businesses (Tourist restaurants/Hotels/Casinos) will accept them. Big chain restaurants have no issue with 50/100 USD bills.

Should I bring cash to Aruba?

PAYING FOR PURCHASES. U.S. currency, major credit cards, and traveler's checks are widely accepted on Aruba. It is a good idea to contact your credit card provider prior to departure and advise them of your travel plans. Otherwise, overseas charges may be questioned or denied.

Can I Uber in Aruba?

While using Uber in Aruba is not currently an option, there are plenty of other transportation options to travel around the island. Whether you choose to rent a car, take a taxi, use the bus, or book a tour, you are sure to have a good time.