Do you have to be 21 to get a hotel room in Las Vegas?

Do you have to be 21 to get a hotel room in Las Vegas? As a result, the majority of hotels in Las Vegas require guests to be 21 or older to check-in. But there are some Vegas hotels that allow 18-21 year-olds to rent a room, as long as they have a valid ID and a credit card in their name.

Can 19 year olds go into bars in Vegas?

The drinking age in Las Vegas is 21 and up. 21-years old is also a requirement to enter many of the hottest clubs and the bar area at most establishments, so keep that in mind when planning your party game plan!

Can you stay in a hotel without an 18 year old?

Know the Legal Requirements Hotels have the right to establish their own policies regarding age restrictions for bookings, but most commonly, the minimum age requirement is 18 years old. Some hotels may allow bookings for minors, but require parental consent or a parent to be present during the stay.

Are hotels strict about being 21?

Varies by Hotel While some hotels may allow individuals under the age of 18 to book a room, others may require guests to be 21 or older. It is worth mentioning that age restrictions for booking a hotel room are often in place to protect hotels from potential legal liability.

How can I check into a hotel without being 21?

Generally, hotel guests must be 21 years-old (or accompanied by someone 21 years-old) to check-in but age requirements vary. Some hotels may allow 18 year-olds to check-in while other hotels, in more rare cases, may even increase the minimum age to 25.

Do you have to be 21 to book a hotel in the States?

In general, the minimum-age requirement to reserve a hotel room is 18, with some locations in the U.S. allowing guests to be as young as 16, while others require guests to be at least 21. Because people under 18 years of age are considered minors, many hotels do not want to be liable in case of a problem.

How to get into a hotel without being 18?

Most hotels require a valid photo ID at check-in, so it is important to have a government-issued ID such as a passport or driver's license. Keep in mind that some hotels may require additional identification or documentation such as a birth certificate or letter of consent from a parent or legal guardian.