Do you have to wear stinger suits in Cairns?

Do you have to wear stinger suits in Cairns? We highly recommend wearing the stinger suits – regardless of the time of year – as it will not only protect you from cairns jellyfish stings, but also provide sun protection in the tropical climate. Snorkellers do not need to fear cairns jellyfish on the Great Barrier Reef. Jellyfish are found around the world.

Do you go commando in a wetsuit?

Why is it best to go commando under your wetsuit? Well, neoprene wetsuits work as insulators trapping your body heat inside while acting as a barrier to the cold outside. Therefore, putting anything between you and your wetsuit can reduce the wetsuits effectiveness as an insulator.

What time of day are jellyfish most active?

Midday : Jellyfish activity is typically highest during midday when the sun is at its peak and the water is warmest.

Can jellyfish sting through bathing suit?

They are small enough that they often cannot be seen and easily get stuck between the skin and bathing garments. When this happens, they can discharge their nematocysts (part of the tentacles that release venom), essentially causing a jellyfish sting under the swimsuit.

Can I wear a wetsuit instead of a stinger suit?

A wetsuit is actually a thicker fabric than a stinger suit, so you would not need a stinger suit too. However, if you are going to be swimming in the tropics, a wetsuit would be too hot to wear and so you would wear a stinger suit...

Do I need a stinger suit in Cairns?

We highly recommend wearing the stinger suits – regardless of the time of year – as it will not only protect you from cairns jellyfish stings, but also provide sun protection in the tropical climate. Snorkellers do not need to fear cairns jellyfish on the Great Barrier Reef. Jellyfish are found around the world.

Where not to swim in Cairns?

The best beaches to swim at are mainly in the Northern suburbs. The beaches in the city aren't suitable for swimming due to crocodiles and it being too buddy. However, there is a lagoon to swim in if you're staying in Cairns City.