Do you need a passport to fly from Belfast?

Do you need a passport to fly from Belfast? You will require a passport for all international travel. For domestic travel you will be required to have some form of photographic identification such as a passport or driving licence, however check with your airline before you fly for details on what they will accept. What time do I need to check-in?

Can I travel to Belfast without a passport?

Visit the Embassy of Ireland's website for the most current visa information. You must have a valid passport to enter Ireland. U.S. citizens can enter visa-free for tourism or business stays of up to 90 days.

Do I need a passport to go from Belfast to Cairnryan?

- Hannon Coach. “What ID do I need to board the ferry? I'm not a British citizen.” If you are travelling from Belfast to Cairnryan you don't technically need a passport and I'm never asked for it but you will occasionally be spot checked so it's wise to have photographic ID to hand.

Can you travel from Belfast to Dublin without a passport?

You will not need a passport to cross the border from the Republic of Ireland into Northern Ireland and vice versa. Further information is available from the British Embassy in your country of origin, call 0300 222 0000 or visit

Can I fly to Ireland without a passport?

You must have a valid passport to enter Ireland. U.S. citizens can enter visa-free for tourism or business stays of up to 90 days. There is no minimum passport validity requirement for U.S. citizens entering Ireland.

How far apart are Belfast City and Belfast International Airport?

Belfast International Airport is located 31.5 km away from the city centre of Belfast. The journey from Belfast International Airport to the city centre will take around 30 minutes in a taxi or by private transfer and around 40 minutes if you take the Airport Express 300 bus.