Does Nevis have a volcano?

Does Nevis have a volcano? Nevis Peak volcano is seen from a ferry approaching the port of Charlestown, which lies across a narrow channel from St. Kitts Island. The composite cone is capped by two overlapping summit craters that are partially filled by a lava dome. Four other lava domes were constructed on the flanks of the volcano.

Does Grenada have an active volcano?

Kick-'em-Jenny, located approximately 8 km north of Grenada (12.18°N, 61.38°W), is the only known 'live' submarine volcano in the Eastern Caribbean. This location is in the southern part of the Grenadine Islands, which are themselves in the southern region of the Lesser Antilles island arc.

What was the worst volcanic eruption in the Caribbean?

The 1902 eruption of Mount Pelée was a volcanic eruption on the island of Martinique in the Lesser Antilles Volcanic Arc of the eastern Caribbean, which was one of the deadliest eruptions in recorded history. Eruptive activity began on 23 April as a series of phreatic eruptions from the summit of Mount Pelée.