Does open return mean any train station?

Does open return mean any train station? Offering you complete flexibility, Open Return (also known as Anytime Return) train tickets are ideal if you want to keep your travel options open. Allowing you to travel to your chosen destination, and return at any time; you can even break up your journey by stopping at any stations on your route.

Can I get on any train with an Anytime Return?

Anytime tickets have no restrictions on the time of day that you can travel. With Anytime Single tickets, you can travel on any train on the date of travel booked. You can also break up your journey at stations along your route. Buying an Anytime Return train ticket gives you even more freedom!

What is the difference between open return and return on Trainline?

The main benefit of booking a Return, instead of an Open Return is the option of reserving a seat. If you'd like to reserve a seat, search for a Return ticket, if you're not fussed about seat reservations and aren't sure when you're returning, pick an Open Return.

What time can I use an off-peak day return train ticket?

Off-Peak Day Return tickets are valid for travel on the date shown on the ticket and until 04:29 the following morning. All travel must be completed by this time.

What are peak train times?

Peak fares are charged during business rush hours on any weekday train scheduled to arrive in NYC terminals between 6 a.m. and 10 a.m. or depart NYC terminals between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m.

Can you get on a train at a different station UK?

For Off-Peak and Super Off-Peak tickets and Anytime tickets you can simply board the next train to your destination, as permitted by your ticket. To check any restrictions on when and how you can use your ticket, use our Ticket Validity Finder tool.

Can you get on a later train than booked UK?

This depends on the ticket type. Can be used on a different time train providing the earlier or later train is also within the terms of conditions of the ticket. View full Off-Peak and Super Off-Peak terms and conditions first. Advance tickets are our cheapest tickets and are only valid for the booked train.

Can I get an earlier train than the one I booked?

You can change your reserved train as many times as you like free of charge, as long as you have not entered the ticket gate and have not picked up your ticket, and your reserved train's departure time has not passed. You can change your reservation to an earlier train yourself.

What happens if you miss a train?

Speak to the train staff to find out if you can board the next train with your existing ticket, they may advise you to go to the ticket office at the next station to exchange you ticket for a new one, free of charge. If you are traveling with one of the following carriers.

Can I use my ticket on a later train if my train is Cancelled?

If a train is cancelled (and that's what's happened here) you're entitled to take the next train that matches any restrictions on your ticket. So if your ticket is routed via a certain place, you must go that way, or if it's only valid on a certain train company, you must use that companies services.

Is open return more expensive?

Due to the complete flexibility of Open Return tickets, they are slightly more expensive than the Advance or Off-Peak tickets; however, when you book your tickets online, we'll tell you all the available options for your journey, so you can choose whichever ticket suits your requirements the best.