Does Petra get cold at night?

Does Petra get cold at night? Winters in Petra (December-February) can surprisingly cold perhaps, even during the day. The average temperature is around 10-15°C degrees, but this can go down to 5°C after sun down.

How long does it take to walk all of Petra?

Distance and Difficulty: The Petra Main Trail is 8km / 5 miles return from the Visitors Centre. Easy walk, largely flat. Allow 3 – 4 hours return, including time to see the sites along the way.

Is it safe to walk at night in Jordan?

Jordan is a safe place to visit Hospitality reigns supreme, violent crime is extremely rare, and Gallup's 2022 Law and Order Report ranks Jordan in the top 10 for countries where people feel safe walking alone at night.

Why is Petra so famous?

Petra is half-built, half-carved into the rock, and is surrounded by mountains riddled with passages and gorges. It is one of the world's most famous archaeological sites, where ancient Eastern traditions blend with Hellenistic architecture.

Does it get cold at night in Jordan?

With no vegetation to dampen its climate, it can be very hot in the summer and very cold in winter. Some winter nights there can be brutally cold. One thing you will notice in Jordan is that there is very little humidity, which hovers around 30-40% on average.

Can you wear jeans in Petra?

It is fine to travel in Jordan in jeans most of the time, and you can, of course, wear them in Petra as well, in case this is the piece you never leave your home without, but as the visit of Petra requires quite a lot of walking, we think hiking trousers are a much better choice.

What is unusual about Petra?

Petra is home to over 1000 tombs Source The Nabateans believed in the afterlife and taking extra care of their dead. They built over 1000 tombs in Petra. This makes the site 'one of the largest royal tomb complexes in the world'.

Can tourists wear shorts in Petra?

There isn't a strict Petra dress code as such. It's the biggest tourist attraction in Jordan, so people pretty much wear what they like when they visit Petra, However, bear in mind that the site of Petra is huge, so be prepared to do a lot of walking.

When not to visit Jordan?

It's very hot in summer (June to August), with temperatures of up to 102°F. In contrast, Jordan often experiences snow in winter (December to February) and the nights get very cold, especially in the desert regions. Most of the rain falls at this time, in short, sharp showers.