Does the ferry from St Thomas to St John carry cars?

Does the ferry from St Thomas to St John carry cars? Explore more of the Virgin Islands by car! Our car ferry from St. Thomas to St. John will help you enjoy this dream destination even more. We're locally owned and operated and we love sharing what the islands have to offer!

Is it safe to walk around St. John?

John is very safe from violent crime, not to be confused with St. Thomas where no one would recommend walking the beaches at night. The only crime problems on St. John are with occasional theft, which is why many villas have installed safes in recent years.

How much is a water taxi from St Thomas to St. John?

Enjoy an exclusive smooth ride to St. John with Dolphin. We will take care of you from baggage claim to Cruz Bay or The Westin. A flat rate of $390 one way with each additional person $78.

Which ferry is best from St. Thomas to St. John?

The most popular, frequent and consistent ferry is the one that goes from Red Hook, on the East End of St. Thomas to Cruz Bay on the West End of St. John. This ferry has hourly routes between the islands starting at 6am and ending at midnight.