Does the rain last long in Mauritius?

Does the rain last long in Mauritius? Mauritius rainy weather Wet season is during our hottest months which is great. You'll welcome our summer rain and her colorful rainbows. Beautiful over the sea on the horizon! Let me reassure you, our rain lasts between a few minutes and a few hours, seldom for days on end like a monsoon rain.

What are the best and worst months to visit Mauritius?

The island has a classic tropical climate with warm weather year-round. Even in winter, the temperatures drop from hot to balmy. We don't recommend visiting Mauritius during the wet cyclone season, from January to March, and to avoid the east coast in July and August, when the wind is at it's strongest.

Which side of Mauritius has the best beaches?

It's often said that 'west is best' and we certainly agree: Mauritius's west coast has unbeatable beaches ranging from the fine white sands of Trou aux Biches in the far north to the isolated Le Morne Peninsula on the south-west tip of the island.

Is Mauritius cheap or expensive?

Mauritius can be very expensive if you stick to the hotels, especially 4 star upwards. Supermarket prices are the same as here, and rising with oil prices, so even basics are not as cheap as they were. A lot of people on the forum complain about the rip off prices in euros that hotels charge, and they are right.

How many days are enough in Mauritius?

The ideal way to experience the island's culture, natural beauty, and magnificent beaches in Mauritius should be done so safely and without fuss. To ensure a well-rounded journey, it is recommended that travelers stay on the island for at least 7 days and 6 nights, with time set out for both sightseeing and relaxing.

Which part of Mauritius has the best weather?

The West Coast is generally warmer and calmer than the East of the island, meaning this is the side of choice for those looking for a peaceful and sunny beach holiday. Temperatures are at their hottest during the island's summer months from October to April.

Is Maldives better or Mauritius?

Both the places have iconic blue waters, powder-white beaches, and thrilling adventure activities but Mauritius has more sightseeing options. Therefore, it is more suitable for families and couples who want to plan a 5-6 days trip.

Can I sunbathe in Mauritius in August?

Yes, August is not an optimal time for sunbathing but it is possible on clearer days in Mauritius. August is warm but quite a high chance of overcast or cloudy skies, might make sunbathing less enjoyable, and there is high chance of rain showers. The average maximum temperature in Mauritius in August is 25°C (76°F).

Is there a rainy season in Mauritius 2023?

Being a sub-tropical island, we do not have monsoon or rainy season. In summer, it can rain heavily in the afternoon due to the built up of humidity. Another culprit are the cyclones that can affect the weather between December to March.

What month has the most rainy days?

According to the National Centers for Environmental Information, April is actually the fifth wettest month in the U.S. June is the wettest month of the year on average and May 2015 was the wettest month in the history of the United States.

What is the most rainy month in Mauritius?

February is the wettest month and October is the driest. The Republic of Mauritius is also located in the cyclone belt of the SWIO. Cyclone season is from November to mid-May.

Are mosquitoes bad in Mauritius?

Malaria or dengue fever aren't a danger in Mauritius, but mosquito bites are annoying nevertheless. Mosquito repellent is useful in any case, but you can just as easily buy it locally.

How frequent are cyclones in Mauritius?

According to statistics, Mauritius is in the centre of a cyclone only every 5 years. Still, every year the island is hit by the remnants of 3 to 5 storms. Most frequently, cyclones form on the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn where the body of water heats up to 26°C for longer periods of time.

Is there a hurricane season in Mauritius?

Tropical cyclones You should remain vigilant and follow the advice of local authorities. The tropical cyclone season in Mauritius usually runs from November to May. You should follow the Mauritius Meteorological Services updates.. Cyclones can cause extensive damage to property.