Has a rogue wave ever been filmed?

Has a rogue wave ever been filmed? On 18 September 2023 a suspected rogue wave or sneaker wave smashed into a beachside restaurant at Marina Beach near Southbroom, South Africa, injuring seven people. One restaurant patron was swept out to sea but rescued by lifeguards. The wave was filmed.

How do you survive rogue waves?

  1. Don't turn broadside to the wave, head for one of the shoulders, where it's shorter.
  2. Take the wave head-on, so you can't capsize.
  3. Avoid cresting the backside of a large following wave - back off and let it roll away.

What cruise ship was hit by a 40 foot wave?

Passengers aboard the Carnival Sunshine described shattered glass, water pouring into rooms and hallways, the ship pitching about and a lack of communication from cruise staff. Some passengers and crew members needed minor assistance from medical staff, a Carnival cruise spokesman told CBS News.