How can I check my toll balance in Dubai?

How can I check my toll balance in Dubai?

You can check your balance through:
  1. Smart Salik App.
  2. Dubai Drive App.
  4. Salik Kiosks.
  5. Call our 24 HR Salik self-service on 800 Salik (72545) then:

Is Salik free on Fridays?

Here is one of the most asked questions that may pop up in your mind: “Is Salik free on Fridays or not?” Unfortunately, it's not; you should pay even during weekends and official holidays. However, in case you pass through both the Mamzar South and North gates within an hour, you pay only once.

How can I avoid Salik in Dubai?

Consider Alternate Routes You could either use the Al Khail road or Jumeirah road. Another option would be to use your GPS and switch off the Toll Gate option. It will take you through a salik-free route.