How can I decorate my birthday on a low budget?

How can I decorate my birthday on a low budget?

20+ Under Budget Birthday Decoration Ideas
  1. Confetti Balloons. Balloons are one of the most fun and inexpensive ways to bring life to your party. ...
  2. Take it Out. ...
  3. Use Candles. ...
  4. Throw in Some Pillows. ...
  5. Be Colourful. ...
  6. Mix it Up. ...
  7. Use Old Things. ...
  8. Photo Wall.

What makes a bedroom look luxurious?

But before you even think of shopping to upgrade your bedroom, consider these helpful pointers to make your space as luxurious as it can be.
  1. Incorporate a rug. ...
  2. Display art. ...
  3. Overfill your throw pillows. ...
  4. Add a hanging light fixture. ...
  5. Rethink your nightstand. ...
  6. Focus on the statement pieces. ...
  7. Keep the floor empty.