How can we prevent food poisoning in Dominican Republic?

How can we prevent food poisoning in Dominican Republic? Take the obvious precautions with water, ice, fruit and raw vegetables. Avoid most foods from street vendors until you feel you have acclimatized. Wash your hands fastidiously, especially before eating, and encourage your companions to do the same [7].

How can I prevent food poisoning when traveling abroad?

Avoid lukewarm food: Cold food should be served cold, and hot food should be served hot. If you're selecting food from a buffet or salad bar, make sure the hot food is steaming and the cold food is chilled. Germs that cause food poisoning grow quickly when food is in the danger zone, between 40°F and 140°F.

What to do if you get diarrhea in Dominican Republic?

See a healthcare provider if your symptoms are severe or last for more than a few days. You can prevent it by avoiding unsafe water and not eating unsafe foods.