How do bison survive winter in Yellowstone?

How do bison survive winter in Yellowstone? During the cold winter season, bison develop thick, woolly coats that help protect them from freezing temperatures and harsh winds. It is said that a bison's winter coat is so thick and provides insulation so effective that when snow accumulates on its coat, it will not melt from the heat of the bison's skin.

What was found at the bottom of Yellowstone Lake?

Under the seemingly placid waters of Yellowstone Lake lies the collapsed remains of a supervolcano that erupted 640,000 years ago.

Can you swim in Yellowstone Lake?

Swimming in Yellowstone National Park Yellowstone National Park isn't exactly known for its swimming holes. Due to the thermal activity in the park, most rivers and lakes in Yellowstone are closed to swimmers. However, if you're up for an adventure, the park has opened up a few alluring areas to the public.