How do I get from Osaka Airport to the city?

How do I get from Osaka Airport to the city? Taking the train is the quickest and easiest option when traveling between Kansai International Airport and central Osaka. However, as Osaka is a big city, there are a number of rail services from which to choose.

Is Kansai Airport closer to Osaka or Kyoto?

The closest airport to Kyoto is Osaka International Airport (also known as Itami Airport), about 36 kilometres from the city.

How much is a taxi from Osaka airport to city?

Kansai Airport Taxi Cost Many taxi companies do also offer a fixed rate fare to popular destinations, which you would need to arrange prior to your transfer. The average cost of a Kansai airport taxi shuttle to the city of Osaka will be about €120 (JPY 16,000).

Can I buy Suica card in Osaka Airport?

You cannot buy Suica outside of the greater Tokyo area. in Osaka, you have to buy ICOCA. When you leave the Kansai (Osaka/Kyoto) return your ICOCA and buy Suica when you get to Tokyo. Or just keep your ICOCA for the next trip.

Can foreigners use Suica card?

Suica is the prepaid IC card by JR East for JR trains in the Greater Tokyo, Niigata and Sendai regions. A special version of Suica, called Welcome Suica, is available to foreign tourists. The special cards are valid for only four weeks, come without a deposit fee, but do not allow for refunds.

How early should I get to the airport Osaka?

Please come to the airport at least 30-40 minutes prior to departure. Customers making overseas connecting flights should be at the airport one hour before departure.

What is the best way to get around Osaka?

Getting Around Osaka
  1. Subways and trains are the best way to get around Osaka.
  2. A prepaid Icoca card is the BEST way to pay for transport (but a Suica or Pasmo card from Tokyo will also work just fine).
  3. Taxis are excellent but expensive.
  4. Buses aren't recommended for short-term visitors.
  5. See below for full details.

Is Osaka Metro covered by JR?

The JR Pass does not allow you to ride on subways or trams within cities. However, most big cities have a few JR lines that you can use to go around, like the Osaka Loop or Kanjo line and the Tokyo Yamanote line, for example.

Which is better Suica or JR Pass?

The JR pass is only worth it if you travel through different cities, if you are just travelling to Tokyo to Kyoto for example, I would just pay on the Suica. You can do the online calculator or just use google to calculate which trip is easier - paying individually on Suica or getting a JR Pass.

Are taxis in Japan cash only?

Many taxis accept payment by credit card, and an increasing number accept payment by IC card, such as Suica. Stickers on the door often indicate accepted payment methods. When paying in cash, try to avoid paying small amounts with large bills. Tipping is not done in Japan.