How do I get from Osaka to Kyoto?

How do I get from Osaka to Kyoto? The best way to travel between Osaka Station and Kyoto Station is by the Special Rapid service on the JR Kyoto Line. The Special Rapid Train will get you to Kyoto Station in 29 minutes for 560 yen. At Osaka Station Special Rapid trains depart from platforms 8, 9 and 10. These trains are covered by the Japan Rail Pass.

What is the best month to go to Osaka?

You can visit Osaka at any time of year because the weather is temperate. The best times to visit Osaka are the fall (October/November) and spring (March/April/May). Summer (June/July/August) in Osaka is hot and humid. Winter (December/January/February) in Osaka is cold but not too cold for traveling.

How long does it take to get from Osaka to Kyoto?

The Special Rapid trains run between Osaka Station (departing from platforms 8, 9 and 10) and Kyoto Station and they take between 24 and 29 minutes (depending on the train schedule).

Is Kyoto nicer than Tokyo?

Kyoto is more relaxing. Tokyo is about 30% more expensive than Kyoto for travelers. If you prefer big cities, modern technology, nightlife and a huge selection of restaurants, Tokyo is for you. If you're after temples, shrines, garden, geisha and hiking, Kyoto is for you.

What is the cheapest way to get from Osaka to Kyoto?

The Hankyu Kyoto Main Line provides the cheapest route into central Kyoto from Osaka. Limited Express trains run between Hankyu Osaka-Umeda Station and Kyoto-Kawaramachi Station in central Kyoto in 44 minutes for just 400 yen. This line also provides easy access to tourist attractions in western Kyoto.

Can Kyoto be done in one day?

If You Can Take More Than A Day, I Recommend You Do So But be aware that it will be one long, rushed and tiring day. However, if you have two days in the city and can do the itinerary over those two days, then this would be a fantastic itinerary for those who want to check off all the must see temples in Kyoto.

How much is a one-way ticket from Osaka to Kyoto?

Shinkansen or bullet train Thus, you have to purchase a ticket, which costs 1,420 yen (unreserved seat) or 3,220 yen (reserved seat). A one-way trip from Shin-Osaka Station to Kyoto Station takes only 14 minutes.

How many days in Kyoto is enough?

By spending 4-5 days in Kyoto, you can uncover the city's hidden treasures and fully immerse yourself in its vibrant culture.

What area of Osaka should I stay in?

The best places to stay (in order of preference) are Kita, Minami, Honmachi (Central Osaka) and the Shin-Osaka Area. Other decent places to stay include the Tennoji Area and the Osaka Castle Area.

Is 2 days in Osaka enough?

Two days is the perfect amount of time to spend in Osaka. This 2-day itinerary allows you to get the best of the city without tiring yourself out.

Can Kyoto be a day trip from Osaka?

If you're looking for information about a one day trip to Kyoto from Osaka, you're in the right place. Kyoto is a great place to go on a day trip since it's only about 15 - 30 minutes away by train.

How late do trains run between Osaka and Kyoto?

How late do train from Osaka to Kyoto run? Osaka to Kyoto trains have an extensive schedule with up to 34 daily departures. Thanks to that, the trains depart every 30 minutes with the first at 06:00 and the last one at 22:30. You can easily adjust your plans and pick the one that suits you best.

How many days in Osaka is enough?

It's known for having some of the best food in Japan and it offers plenty to do for first-time visitors. If it's your first trip and you don't have a lot of time, then I'd say that 3 days in Osaka is ideal. It'll give you enough time to see the city's top attractions without feeling rushed.