How do I get from Porto Airport to the Centre?

How do I get from Porto Airport to the Centre? Getting from the airport to the center, or vice versa, is easy via the metro. The purple line takes you from the air terminal to the city center. Please note that a ride to the city center will take you approximately 35 minutes (depending on your destination). Trindade is the best station if you are going downtown.

How long is the metro from Porto to the airport?

Porto Airport or Francisco S? Carneiro Airport is located about 19km (12 miles) north of the Porto city centre. It is around 40 minutes from Porto by the Porto airport metro that is largely used for transfers between the airport and the city.

Is it walkable in Porto?

There are many steep hills in Porto, so expect a lot of uphill walking. The steepest hill of the route is just before the Santo Ildefonso church (21), and depending on your energy levels, this may be a convenient location to end the walking tour.

Is there a hop on hop off bus in Porto Portugal?

The City Sightseeing buses in Porto are red. A bus tour ticket is valid for 48 hours after you first validate it and you can hop off and back on as many times as you want. This Hop-On Hop-Off company has two routes: Red and Blue with 57 conveniently located bus stops.

Is Porto a cheap city?

Porto is one of the least expensive cities in western Europe, and when compared to other city break destinations, Porto provides exceptional value for money.