How do I get from Tokyo to Mount Fuji?

How do I get from Tokyo to Mount Fuji? Travelling between Tokyo and Mount Fuji by local trains takes about 2 to 3 hours, and includes at least one transfer. At Shinjuku Station, you can catch the JR Chuo limited express train and arrive to Kawaguchiko Station in about an hour.

Can I do a day trip from Tokyo to Mt. Fuji?

A day-trip from Tokyo to Mount Fuji and the lesser-known Hakone five lakes area is among the favorite experiences of many travelers to Japan, so here is our guide on how to visit this famous landmark with the Japan Rail Pass.

How much does it cost to travel Mount Fuji?

Mount Fuji was once free to climb. The donation-based entrance has since turned into a mandatory fee, helping to protect and maintain the trails. The climbing pass now costs around ¥1,000 – less than $10. Buses from Kawaguchiko train station to the 5th Station cost 1,500 Yen one-way (Around $11).

How long does it take from Tokyo to Mt. Fuji by bullet train?

Travel time by train is a little over 2 hours from Tokyo. To get there: Take JR Tokaido line for Kozu from Tokyo Station, using your JR Pass. Once at Kozu (Kanagawa), take the JR Gotemba Line for Numazu.

Is Mount Fuji closer to Tokyo or Kyoto?

The distance from Tokyo to Mount Fuji is around 100 km (62 miles), and from Kyoto to Mount Fuji is around 270 km (168 miles). It takes around 2-3 hours by car or train to get to Mount Fuji from Tokyo, and around 4-5 hours from Kyoto.

Does the bullet train stop at Mount Fuji?

Although there is no Shinkansen to Mount Fuji, there is a convenient train called the Fuji Excursion, which connects the Mt. Fuji area directly to Shinjuku Station, one of Tokyo's busiest transit hubs. Follow along as we introduce the Fuji Excursion, its schedule, and fees!

Can a beginner climb Mount Fuji?

Mount Fuji in Japan is a beginner-friendly mountain. But we recommend joining a climbing tour instead of DIY-ing the climb though. This way, you'll be safe with experienced climbers who'll teach you the necessary routes and precautions.