How do I get to the Isle of Wight by train from London?

How do I get to the Isle of Wight by train from London? Getting to the Isle of Wight The simplest way to reach the island from the mainland is via Portsmouth. We operate direct trains from London Victoria to Portsmouth that will have you breathing in fresh sea air in around two hours.

Do I need to book a ferry to the Isle of Wight in advance?

We always recommend you book in advance to ensure space on your chosen sailing.

Is Isle of Wight expensive?

The cost of living on the Island is pretty much in line with anywhere else on the south coast. In some cases, it can be a little more expensive as everything has to be shipped across by ferry. This has led to a relatively high cost of groceries which is actually on a par with London.

Do I need a passport for Isle of Wight?

The short answer is no! We are part of the mainland UK therefore you do not need to show a passport to visit the Isle of Wight. What is the average cost of a ferry to the Isle of Wight? Prices vary depending on the route you are taking and when you are travelling.

How do I get from London to Isle of Wight without car?

London to Isle of Wight train In order to get to the Isle of Wight from London by train, you should catch one of the regular trains to Portsmouth. South Western Railway run the most direct service between London Waterloo and Portsmouth Harbour, with most journeys only an hour and 40 minutes long.

What is the easiest way to get to the Isle of Wight?

Crossing the Water There are lots of easy ways to get yourself onto the Island. If you're in your car then you have a choice of car ferries at Southampton, Portsmouth and Lymington which run frequently. You can also use these ferries as foot passengers or if you are bringing your bike with you.

How do I get to Isle of Wight by public transport?

Getting to the Isle of Wight by train from London takes just over two hours and there are regular services on SWR to Portsmouth, Southampton and Lymington. The mainland ports, there are frequent, daily crossings to the Isle of Wight on Red Funnel, Wightlink and Hovertravel.

Do you stay in your car on the Isle of Wight ferry?

No, customers are not allowed to remain on the car decks during the crossing.