How do people in the Maldives dress?

How do people in the Maldives dress? Men often wear tailored shorts or lightweight pants with t-shirts or short-sleeved, button-down shirts. Women can also be seen wearing tailored shorts and t-shirts or nicer tops. They may opt for summer dresses and skirts. Both men and women tend to wear flip-flops in the evenings as well.

What is the etiquette for the Maldives?

Respect local customs and dress conservatively, especially when visiting a mosque. Women should cover their heads and shoulders and neither men nor women should wear shorts. Alcoholic drinks are available on the resort islands, but not elsewhere.

Can I wear a cross necklace in Maldives?

There are some other suggested precautions and preparations for traveling to the Maldives. They include: Do not wear/bring religious symbols (crosses, statues, etc.) or documents (e.g. Bible) into a Moslem country. If you plan to go jogging outside the Equator Village; best to check on proper attire suggestions.

Is Maldives alcohol free?

Being a Muslim country, Maldives frowns upon the consumption of alcohol. Even pork meat is not sold readily. It would be better to just steer clear of alcohol or pork meat in public as you might end up offending someone.

Can you wear Speedos in Maldives?

Packing the Right Things for the Maldives
Every tourist to the Maldives should bring more modest clothes unless they plan to spend all their time on a resort island. Bring your bikinis and speedos, but only wear them at the resort or designated beaches.

Can you walk barefoot in the Maldives?

Roaming your Maldives resort island barefoot can be a beautiful, freeing experience if you're used to squeezing your feet into heels all day long. Many studies are now showing that a barefoot connection with the ground brings with it a whole host of health benefits too.

Can you hold hands in public in Maldives?

For straight and LGBTQ couples alike, public displays of affection on non-resort islands such as Malé City are considered extremely offensive and may result in punitive action. This includes behavior like hand holding and kissing.

Can you kiss in public in Maldives?

Public displays of affection, such as kissing or hand-holding, are illegal. Alcohol is illegal, too, though it is available and can be consumed on resort islands. Homosexuality is also illegal in this island nation.

What things are not allowed in Maldives?

It is an offence to import the following items into Maldives: explosives, weapons, firearms, ammunition, pornographic material, materials deemed contrary to Islam including 'idols for worship' and bibles, pork and pork products, and alcohol. Alcoholic drinks are only available on resort islands.

What do you wear to Maldives at night?

The temperature doesn't drop very much at night so take your lightest weight clothes in natural, breathable fabrics such as silk, linen or cotton. Avoid synthetic fabrics as they are just too uncomfortable in the heat.

Can unmarried couples stay together in Maldives?

Yes, unmarried couples are allowed in the Maldives. If you're a tourist visiting the archipelago with your partner, there won't be an issue. Maldives is a famous honeymoon destination amongst travellers, but that doesn't mean you have to be legally wedded to share a room or enjoy a vacation in the country.

Is kissing legal in Maldives?

Public display of affection (PDA) is not illegal but is frowned upon in the Maldives. Especially in local places with fewer tourists; it's ideal to always maintain a decent distance between one another. Due to the Maldives being a Muslim country, acting intimately in public places may make the locals uncomfortable.

Is it OK to wear shorts in Maldives?

In the Maldives, it is appropriate for men to wear shorts (knee length) and t-shirts. Women in particular should take care to stay covered though, so always wear over-the-shoulder longer dresses, shirts and trousers. Never wear skimpy swimwear unless it is clearly marked that it is okay to do so.

Do you need a jacket in Maldives?

Not too humid and not cold. You'll be comfortable wearing your swimsuit and cover-up around during the day and a dress or beach clothes at night. The Maldives is a dream destination, but it does still see rain. Many resorts and hotels will provide you with an umbrella but it never hurts to have a rain jacket.

What can non swimmers do in Maldives?

What to do in Maldives for Non Swimmers
  • Sunbathe on a Sandbank (Image credit: nashah)
  • Glass Bottom Boat Rides in The Maldives (Image credit: Bandos Maldives Resort)
  • Non Swimmers Join a Walking Tour in the Maldives.
  • Fishing Tours in Maldives, Sunset Night Fishing Trips with Price (Image credit: colterolmstead)