How do we properly confirm a reservation?

How do we properly confirm a reservation?

Your booking confirmation should include:
  1. Guest name(s)
  2. Booking date and time(s)
  3. Booking details.
  4. Location (especially if you have multiple)
  5. Timing, if early arrival is advised or required.
  6. Booking invoice.

Can you confirm or could you confirm?

As you're in the process of confirming or verifying something, the word can applies. If you were describing how you had asked someone to confirm or verify something in the past, the the word could would apply.

How do you confirm a hotel reservation?

ASK FOR A VERBAL AND E-MAILED CONFIRMATION NUMBER. If anything, you can always call to have your reservation confirmed with the confirmation number. For the most part, the booking agent will always give you a confirmation number, but if they don't, ask them for it right then.

Should I confirm my hotel booking?

If you've booked your hotel room several weeks or even months in advance, it's a good idea to call the hotel a few days before your arrival to confirm your reservation. This will give you peace of mind and ensure that there are no issues with your booking.

How do you use hotel reservation in a sentence?

Examples of reservation in a Sentence I have a hotel reservation. My only reservation about buying the car was its high price.