How do you get rid of swollen ankles after a cruise?

How do you get rid of swollen ankles after a cruise?

These are all real cruise travel tips that have been effective for cruisers who've experienced puffy and swollen legs while cruising in the past.
  1. Avoid salty foods. ...
  2. Lemon water. ...
  3. Drink bottled water. ...
  4. Ask for parsley. ...
  5. Drink mint tea. ...
  6. Reduce your alcohol consumption. ...
  7. Compression stockings. ...
  8. Go to the sauna.

Why do ankles swell on cruise ships?

Sea air contains much higher levels of salt, which adds to the problem. Too much salt in one's diet causes fluid retention, and this could be why your feet and ankles return to normal when you return home.

How do you get rid of sea legs after a cruise?

If you are wondering how to get rid of land sickness after your voyage, many of the same strategies may help:
  1. Keep moving and taking walks or car rides to provide the missing sensation of movement while you readjust.
  2. Stay hydrated and get enough sleep.