How do you say please in Lisbon?

How do you say please in Lisbon? Please – Por favor You can add “por favor” (please) on to the end of a sentence to make it more polite. For example, if you want to ask for the bill in a restaurant, you can say to the moço (waiter): “Você pode trazer a conta, por favor?” (Can you bring the bill please?)

What is frowned upon in Portugal?

In particular, taking photos during Mass is highly frowned upon. Remove any hat or headpiece when entering a church. Most Portuguese view people and relationships as more important than maintaining strict adherence to time. As such, time is seen as somewhat flexible, and punctuality is not always stressed.

What is hello in Lisbon?

In Portuguese, people use the expressions Bom dia, Boa tarde and Boa noite both when saying hello and goodbye, as in Olá, bom dia - Hello, good morning or Adeus, boa tarde - Goodbye and good afternoon to you.

What food is eaten in Portugal?

Chicken, duck, turkey, red-legged partridge and quail are all elements of Portuguese cuisine. Dishes include frango no churrasco (chicken on churrasco), chicken piri-piri, cabidela rice, canja de galinha, and arroz de pato (duck rice), among others.

Do you tip in Portugal?

Tipping is not mandatory, and you should only do so if you feel comfortable about it and if you want to reward truly exceptional service. Tipping for great service is very much appreciated.

Do you pay at the table in Portugal?

Payment and Tipping Depending on the establishment, you will either pay at the front counter before leaving, or you'll need to let your waiter or waitress know that you are ready to pay. If you are paying by card, typically they will bring the card reader to your table, rather than taking your card.